2020 issue 6

New Tenure/Tenure-Track Professors Will Boney - Assistant Professor A native Austinite, Dr. Will Boney received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from Carnegie Mellon University in 2014. He works in nonelementary model theory (an area of mathematical logic) and its connection to set theory and category theory. Before coming to Texas State, he spent some time at University of Illinois at Chicago and at Harvard. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his baby daughter. Paul Dawkins - Associate Professor Originally from San Angelo, TX, Dr. Paul Dawkins received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Arlington. He received the Best Paper Award from the Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference in 2015. He also received an Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award from Northern Illionois University in 2017. Away from campus, he enjoys board games, runnning, and eating food from around the world. Nestor Guillen - Assistant Professor Originally from the city of Valera in the Venezuelan Andes, Dr. Guillen received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin. He works on partial differential equations, with a particular interest in free boundary problems and optimal transport. He enjoys playing video games and listening to audio books and spending time with his new baby girl, Eleanor. Cody Patterson - Assistant Professor Dr. Patterson received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin in 2010. His research investigates secondary students’ and teachers’ mathematical meanings for concepts and procedures in high school algebra. Hiro Lee Tanaka - Assistant Professor Dr. Tanaka received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from Northwestern University. Jake Fillman- Assistant Professor From Houston, Texas, Dr. Jake Fillman received his Ph.D. from Rice University. His research interests are in mathematical physics and operator theory. He was awarded the Annales Henri Poincare prize for the best paper published in the journal Annales Henri Poincare in 2014. Away from campus, he enjoys spending time with his wife, daughter, and two cats, as well as hiking, reading science fiction and playing the piano. Which two new professors introduced above were campers and later counselors at Mathworks? (Answer on page 11) Faculty Trivia: 9