2020 issue 6

Texas State University had a large representation at the 41st annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Pyschology of Mathematics Education i n St. Louis. Several graduate students, past and present, as well as faculty members presented. Pi Mu Epsilon and Math Club hosted a movie night showing “Hidden Figures.” The event was open to everyone with the not-so- hidden motive of showing the importance of Mathematics. Popcorn was sold to raise funds to support travel to MAA Mathfest as well as to fund social activites for PME and Math Club. Student Activities 5 To celebrat e Pi Day, March 14, the Math Club held a pie sale on the quad where Dr. Rusnak (left) and Dr. Shroff (below) participated in the “pie your professor” fundraiser. Pi Day Celebration a Smashing Success Movie Night Grad Students Present at PME The Eightieth Putnam Mathematical Competition was held in December, 2019. Texas State had its best showing yet, placing 107th across the United States and Canada. Congratulations to Keven Altenhoff, Ram Moore and Isaiah Silaski (who placed 276 and was mentioned in the announcement of winners document). Faculty members Dr. Tim Chase, Dr. Cameron Farnsworth, Dr. Cody Patterson, and Dr. David Snyder assisted with the event. Putnam Competition