2020 issue 6

On May 3 the Department of Mathematics, presented Cellist Francesco Mastromatteo and Distinguished Professo r Nico Schuler. The event was co-sponsored by Common Experience, Mathworks, and the Department of Music. As part of Math Awareness Month, the event showcased the relationship between music and mathematics to a standing-room only crowd. Department News 4 Department Hosts Group Theory Summit Dr. Yong Yang a nd Dr. Thomas Keller w ere co- investigators of the China-U.S. Group Theory Summit held at Texas State University, August 22 - 25, 2019. This event brought together Group Theorists from the United States and China in a first-ever conference focused on strengthening the ties between researchers in both countries. Fourteen Plenary speakers presented, seven from each country. “Flannel and Frost” Featured at Faculty Festivities The theme of the 2019 Annual Department of Mathematics holiday luncheon and awards ceremony was “Flannel and Frost,” although the day was far from frosty. The 294 pounds of food collected was donated to the Hays County Food Bank. Math and Music Event Standing Room Only Award Winners were: Service (Upper) - Maria Acosta, Eugene Curtin Service (Lower) - Anton Dochtermann, Glynda Betros Research (Upper) - Shuying Sun, Daniela Ferrero Research (Lower) - Wade Hindes, Kate Melhuish Research (Graduate Student) - Christina Koehne (Ph.D.), - Josephine Reynes (Masters) Teaching (Upper) - Jessica Bishop, Ray Treinen Teaching (Lower) - Hwa Young Lee, Terry McCabe Teaching (Lecturer) - Walter Dorman, Shane Lowe