2020 issue 6

Alpha Chi, a coeducational academic honor society, recognized nine professors from the Department of Mathematics a s favorite professors: Dr. Elizabeth Balmer, Dr. Roberto Barrerra III, Dr. Sean Corrigan, Dr. Julio Dix, Dr. Anton Dochtermann, Dr. Jason Juett, Dr. Piyush Scroff, Mr. Shane Lowe, and Ms. Ellen Robinson. Alpha Chi Favorite Professors 3 Hello to all you wonderful supporters of Bobcat mathematics. I hope you enjoy reading about, and even viewing, some of the exciting activities and opportunities that abound in the Department of Mathematics. I consider myself to be extremely lucky to be a member of such a fabulous department. Our department is great due to our wonderful students, super-talented staff, and amazing faculty, including twelve exciting new hires - six Tenure/Tenure-track prof essors and six Lecturers (you can read about them on pages 8 and 9). Word is out that this is a great department. We all know that attending a university is more than just attending formal courses. In our department, faculty are not just dedicated educators but are also keeping up with the latest research in mathematics, statistics, and mathematics education practices. Consequently, Fridays are not a quiet time in Derrick Hall. We have multiple seminars (see pages 6 and 7) that meet regularly to explore contemporary research in topics such as mathematics education, topology, statistics, algebra, differential equations and discrete math. Presenters may be students, faculty, or renowned invited guests. In addition, we have regular colloquia, Women Doing Math, Talk Math 2 Me, and co- curricular activities for students such as Problem Solvers, Math Club, Pi Mu Epsilon, and a Putnam team. Our reputation is growing wtih our doctoral graduates now employed in universities across the country. Our faculty and students both attend and host conferences. As Texas State progresses towards an R1 research classification, the Department of Mathematics will be an essential part of that research culture. While most of this newsletter highlights the year 2019, we extended coverage through spring 2020 due to the unprecedented events since March. I am so very proud of the way EVERYONE in our department reacted to the transition to remote learning and really put students first. Mathematicians are first and foremost problem solvers, Faculty, staff, and students all rose to the task of solving new problems with aplomb. While there were a few bumps along the way, I received more notes of thanks and appreciation from students this semester praising their instructors than in any other semester I’ve spent as chair. This is a testament to the hard work and resilience of our Bobcat mathematical community. As if graduate school was not challenging enough, our graduate students found themselves in the unique situation of learning to be both online instructors and online students, all while continuing with their research. Some even defended their theses and dissertations online. Based upon how they faced these unprecedented challenge, I know our students will represent us well when they leave Texas State to continue their promising careers. Finally, I would like to thank our staff: Ms. Melinda Guerrero, Ms. Dee Ann Miller, Ms. Amanda Garza, Ms. Illona Weber, and Ms. Katie Alonzo. All were ready and willing to go the extra mile to help faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students make the transition to online learning. From answering a multitude of questions to being on campus to make sure supplies were delivered as needed, our staff were amazing. While the many things they did cannot be detailed here, we would be remiss if we did not thank Ms. Illona Weber, our technology support person, who pulled together a Zoom orientation class in record time. She also set up Math CATS so that tutors could continue tutoring online using Zoom, and was instrumental in pulling together videos for our award- winning students and retiring faculty. Greetings from the Chair Dr. Susan Morey DEPARTMENT CHAIR